Monday, December 27, 2010

Module 2: Responding to blogs by Kerr and Kapp

The following post by Bill Kerr
has gotten me crazy with his reference to ism's. I understand his reference but he makes it sound so undetached , I mean all the different learning theories in which he is referring to have significance in history. I feel his ideas where all over the place and it was difficult to get a sense of what he felt and agreed with.

Karl Kapp's blog
on the other hand seems more open minded and understands that learning is not to be encapsulated but that learning can be unique to individuals and that it is overlapping in theory.

As you can probably tell I agree more with Karl Kapp and find the banter in Bill Kerr's blog post characterless. Don't get me wrong everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if they make sense. Maybe it's me...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Learning Styles of the Net Generation

Module 1

What are your beliefs about how people learn best? What is the purpose of learning theory in educational technology?

My personal belief about how learning takes place within individuals is that we are all different thus we all learn differently. From one of these foundations our preference begins and is shaped and formed, learning through our senses as a basis either visually, auditorally or kinesthetically.
The approach one uses to learning is dependant on how one has come to learn, a certain way it was introduced or ingrained. Knowing how one learns best would be beneficial to one's success as a learner throughout life. Being aware of how we take in and process information can help individuals understand themselves better including what our strengths and weaknesses are.
There will always be times when individuals find themselves in different types of learning enviornments,including the use of technology where there will be a need to adjust in order to help ourselves, so we may do our own personal best and be a successful learner. Learning theories and educational technology are based on the same premises. Also, being exposed to new technologies and given the proper direction and time to manipulate the software/hardware helps in the learning process.